General Liability


10 Things You Don't Know About Our General Liability Markets

Did you know we can write stop-gap coverage in monopolistic states? Reach out to us today!

Did you know we can write stop-gap coverage in monopolistic states? Reach out to us today!

Here are 10 things we want you to know about our General Liability markets as told by Jimmy Pacyna.

1. Our online Bigfoot Portal offers instant indications for select contractor classes.

2. We have the ability to consider per location and per project aggregate limit options.

3. We have admitted and non-admitted markets in all states subject to individual risk assessments including insured operations and loss history.

4. Premises Liability and Product Liability may be offered as stand-alone coverage.

5. We can write minimum premiums starting at $495 for select classes.

6. We have blanket additional insured forms available for select classes.

7. We have carrier availability in all states!

8. Occurrence and Claims Made coverage availability.

9. Our General Liability product line has higher limits of liability available for select classes.

10. Ability to include stop-gap coverage for monopolistic states.

Further Reading:

Bigfoot has a broad appetite for contractors general liability. Whether you’re looking to cover a small re-modeler, stand-alone roofer, or new home builder, we are the ones to call!
— Jimmy Pacyna, Assistant Underwriter

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