Leadership in Insurtech


We are looking to partner and collaborate with more insurtech leaders. The next InsurTech Denver meeting is on February 6 2019, 6-8pm (Location: TBD) and we’d love to see you there!

The events in 2019 were more loosely organized networking events but 2020 is kicking off with a panel on Digital Engagement with Policyholders and Agents with a moderator and two speakers.

In the meantime, the organizers are doing a survey to find out what you want most for InsurTech Denver in 2020.  Please take a couple minutes to fill it out here.

Quote of the day:

β€œThere comes a time in your life when you can no longer put off choosing. You have to choose one path or the other. You can live safe and be protected by people just like you, or you can stand up and be a leader for what is right. Always, remember this: People never remember the crowd; they remember the one person that had the courage to say and do what no one would do.” β€• Shannon L. Alder

Women in insurance


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